Float is out of the water

As the season changes so does the dock configuration. The floating dock has been taken out of the water for the winter.

Description from Joi:

Float came out today but not with out some Island adventure. Yesterday while lowering the trolly, the end stop broke causing the trolly cart to partially derailed over the end! Yikes. Dan flew to the mainland to get some high lift Jack’s and at midnight low tide, the guys went out, jacked it up and pulled it back up onto the rails! A big THANKS to this year’s helpers, Bob and Joi, Dar and Jake Web, Ken Bothman and Terry Gilliam!!


1 thought on “Float is out of the water”

  1. Board of Trustees:
    We wish you and your Families a very MERRY CHRISTMAS and HAPPY NEW YEAR!
    Thank you for your service keeping Eliza a fun and safe place to visit.
    Bob, Sally, and Family. Lot 23.

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