We just came off a beautiful Memorial Day Weekend! There was a good number of folks on the island having a great time. Just around the corner is our big weekend for Independence Day. Our annual meeting will be on Saturday, July 7th. For you lot owners, there are meeting materials in the Members Section. There you will find the agenda, proposed budget (coming soon), proxy form, and other information. There is also a Spring Newsletter there.
While you are here check out the updates to the Real Estate section. A few cabins have sold and there are a few new listings.
And of course, don’t forget about the Annual Art Fair and the Potluck. Your Potluck assignments are:
A-G — Salad
H-M — Dessert
N-Z — Hot or Side Dish
Helpers for the potluck are needed. If are willing to help out please contact Roxanne Heller – [email protected].
Fair Winds to you all…